If you’re looking to get or upgrade your driver’s licence, ICBC’s driving guides are essential study tools. They can also be used by experienced drivers to refresh their knowledge and skills. Print copies of the guides are available at any ICBC driver licensing office for your convenience.
The Learn to Drive Smart guide is specifically designed for new drivers and is a must-read for passing the knowledge test. On the other hand, Tuning Up for Drivers is a guide that will help you prepare for your passenger vehicle road test, regardless of whether you’re a new resident, in graduated licensing, or studying for a re-exam.
If you’re interested in obtaining a commercial driver’s licence or specific endorsements, you’ll need to study the Driving Commercial Vehicles guide. This guide covers Classes 1-4 licences, air brake endorsements, and heavy trailer endorsements.
For aspiring motorcyclists, the Learn to Ride Smart guide is an essential study tool for knowledge, skills, and road tests. Tuning Up for Riders is another useful guide to help you prepare for your motorcycle road test.
Lastly, if you’re getting a house trailer endorsement or towing any recreational vehicle, you’ll want to study the Towing a Recreational Trailer guide. Remember, knowing the rules of the road is critical to your safety and the safety of others, so make sure to study these guides thoroughly.
Here is a collection of all the books available for download from ICBC: https://www.icbc.com/driver-licensing/driving-guides/Pages/default.aspx
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